
Thisguidewillhelpyousearchfilesandfoldersquicklybymetadataandcontent(includingOCRandObjectDetection)onZohoWorkDrive.,WhiletheZohotemplatesystem_is_conceptuallymeta-data,itdoesnotreadfile-embeddedmetadataasWindowsfileexplorerdoes.WorkDriveallowsyouto ...,Asyoumayknow,metadataisdatathatprovidesinformationaboutotherdata.Themetadataofanyfilecanbeusefulandproductive,asitprovidesbasic ...,Youcancrea...

Search files and folders

This guide will help you search files and folders quickly by metadata and content (including OCR and Object Detection) on Zoho WorkDrive.

Will WorkDrive ever implement sharepoint

While the Zoho template system _is_ conceptually meta-data, it does not read file-embedded meta data as Windows file explorer does. WorkDrive allows you to ...

Tips and Tricks #42

As you may know, metadata is data that provides information about other data. The metadata of any file can be useful and productive, as it provides basic ...

New in WorkDrive

You can create Data Templates, add meta data as custom fields, and associate those fields with files and folders based on how you want to classify your storage.

Locate files instantly with Zoho WorkDrive's Smart Search

... WorkDrive extracts text from all your images and uses them as searchable metadata. Search by text within images. Search by objects in images. WorkDrive ...

Organize unstructured date with WorkDrive's Data Templates

With WorkDrive, you can associate purpose-based classification to documents using metadata. This makes storing, searching, and managing your data seamless.

Introducing Data Templates in WorkDrive

2020年3月18日 — Create custom templates. Build Data Templates and add custom fields as meta-data based on how you want to classify your documents. Associate ...

Integrate WordPress.org with Zoho WorkDrive seamlessly

Send information between WordPress.org and Zoho WorkDrive automatically, without writing any code, using Zoho Flow. ... Update post metadata. Updates the details ...